Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Tuesday February 7th

New Vocabulary

1) Beshrew:
2) Peruse:
3) Caitiff:
4) Penury:
5) Haughty:
6) Sepulcher:
7) Remnants:
8) Apothecary
9) Amorous:
10) Ambiguities:
11) Scourge:
12) Inauspicious

Writing Assignment: Journal Entry

Your assignment is to write a “Dear Abbey” letter from Romeo or Juliet to Dear Abby.

Decide whether you want to write a letter from Romeo or Juliet’s perspective. You have just met the “love” of your short (maybe pathetic) life, and have discovered s/he is a member of a family your parents hate. You realize that they will never allow you to see this person. Think about how this makes you feel. As a prewriting exercise spend a few minutes writing down your feelings. Maybe you feel trapped. Maybe you feel like screaming. Try and put your emotions into a metaphor or two.
Now, compose a letter to DEAR ABBY (of the Verona Times) explaining your situation—make sure you give Abby a little background information. You might want to discuss what you were doing at the party or discuss the history of the feud with the two families. Then ask Abby for advice. Sign your letter with an appropriate pen name for Romeo or Juliet. Someone (a classmate) will be answering your letter. Do not write your name on the paper and write in a place in your journal where it can be ripped out without losing any important notes or information.

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